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Frauenpower mit Yoga und veganen Nahrungsergaenzungen von Wanna be supplements



100% VEGAN



Mineralien für Frauen: Essentiell & Effektiv

Entdecke unsere speziell auf Frauen abgestimmte Mineralienkollektion. Von Eisen für Vitalität und Energie, über Jod für eine ausgeglichene Schilddrüsenfunktion, bis hin zu Magnesium für Muskelentspannung und Stressabbau. Unsere Produkte sind sorgfältig formuliert, um deine Gesundheit optimal zu unterstützen – natürlich, vegan und rein.

Frauen-Community für mehr Frauengesundheit

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Hello, I'm Melanie, the founder of Wanna be Supplements. I know the challenges of the female body from my own experience. As a vegetarian with a background in veterinary nutritional advice, I know how crucial the right diet is for our well-being.​


Inspired by the challenges of my mother, who has spent the past few years with a particular focus on emotional well-being, I am passionate about offering women nutritional supplements that are perfectly tailored to their needs.

Focus on targeted, needs-based nutritional supplements

Women are often a “blind spot” in research. The vision of my team and I is therefore to support and carry out studies to give us women a better life. 


We believe in the power of nutrition and nutritional supplements that are specifically tailored to the female body. Reason enough for us toWanna be supplements rely on individual and sensibly combined supplements.

Wanna be special: Our values

All our products are:

✔ Laboratory tested

✔ Free from

  •  undesirable additives

  • of colors and flavors

  • of animal experiments


✔ 100% vegan


✔ Without genetic engineering

✔ To be taken in everyday life, for example practical spray form.

Discover our blog: Your path to a healthy, supported lifestyle

Visit our blog for more knowledge, inspiration and supporting products on the topic of health and vegan nutritional supplements. Our topics are specifically tailored to the needs of women and how they can best support their wonderful bodies. You can expect in-depth, concentrated knowledge about nutrition, the female cycle and much more.

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Drei Frauen mittleren Alters am Strand, voller Lebensfreude.

Wanna be Supplements: The online shop for vegan dietary supplements for women

You wish...

... a conscious diet or changing your diet?

... support your cycle and your hormonal balance through nutrition?

... fight diseases through your diet?

... as a vegetarian or vegan, to relieve your digestion?

... individual yet safe nutritional supplements? 


Maybe you're going through menopause and want to pay more attention to your body?


Wanna be Supplements: The online shop for women who want to bring their body into balance.

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